Friday, March 20, 2015

As a Man Thinks…

Have you heard of the phrase “Your words SHAPE you”?

Words are very important…so important that right from the processing of your inner thoughts to the verbalisation into spoken words, every step is crucial. The human mind can be compared to a garden. The state of the garden-whether well cultivated or wild and overgrown with weeds- is directly at your mercy.

The output of your garden, or your life, as the case may be, is directly influenced by the input into the garden. What do you fill your mind with? Positive or negative thoughts? Dreams of how bright your future is? Or do you think that your time has come and passed? Maybe you think that the opportunities passed you by?
Now is the time for you to get up. Yes, you heard me! Get up and demand your right from life. Be determined to make it no matter what. Set your face like a flint and rise up to life’s challenges!!

You can make it to the top…if you will just believe and start verbalising that in your everyday life. Your thoughts mould your character and your character influence your words and actions.
You need to consciously choose what you feed your mind with…the right books, positive images, life-changing videos. Saturate your mind with success stories of life’s warlords, who have made it against all odds.

Don’t use the wrong words on yourself i.e. "I’m not cut out for great things", "I always fail...".
Do not allow others to use the wrong words on you. Reject them and shake them off like a bag of dust.

Don’t be afraid to dream lofty dreams. For as you dream, so shall you become. Be grateful for where you are right now…it is not your DESTINATION. Be enthusiastic about your life, some folks don’t have a quarter of your blessings (and it is not their fault or yours). Just pause and think of the motherless, fatherless, homeless, jobless...the list runs on.

Indeed, your words shape you…your thoughts mould you.
Earl Nightingale (1921-1989), an American speaker and author of "Lead the Field", who was also known as the "Dean of Personal Development" said, "We become what we think about most of the time...whatever we plant in our sub-conscious mind and nourish with emotion and repetition, will one day become a reality".
Train your mind to see and absorb the good in every situation.

Be Patient, Outstanding, Smart, Inspired, Thankful, Impactful, Vivacious, Encouraged.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Unleash the GIANT

Why accept to be an average individual when you can aim for much more? Life goes BEYOND just getting by! You need to stand out by achieving ordinary things in extra-ordinary ways. External success begins with your decision to internalize success, right from your thought processes. Unleash the GIANT on your inside today!

You are not a product of yesterday failures. No, yesterday's failures only shapen your future if you allow it. You are a product of your beliefs and choices. How do you picture your tomorrow? Bleak, stressful, rosy, fruitful...? It's all in your mind. Tony Robbins in his book 'Awaken the Giant Within'observed that: "The past doesn't equal the future. All great leaders, all people who have achieved in any area of life, know the power of continuously pursuing their vision, even if all the details of how to achieve it aren't yet available."

Shake yourself from the dust today! You have great un-tapped potentials on your inside. You are bigger than the challenges you face. Harness your gifts and get the best returns on them. There is more to life than complaining about things you cannot change. How about changing the things you can? Do things right and do the right things even if it kills you to do it. That is the mark of GIANTS: courage in the face of adversity.

Each individual has the capacity to achieve his full potentials. But what if you don't believe in yourself? No one will of course! You may not be a product of your past failures but you are a product of your present choices. Will you choose to unleash the GIANT inside you today or will you rather remain small and irrelevant to your world?

It is your CHOICE to make. What will it be?